A wintry day in the park |
Dear all,
This week started off interesting as we had a Zone Conference with Elder Hamilton of the Seventy. We had a little more than half of the missionaries in the entire mission just in our one Zone Conference (the other missionaries got their own meetings on different days). Elder Hamilton talked to us about increasing our personal conversion and then about improving our teaching skills. He mentioned a couple things which I really enjoyed. The first was that not only should every member be a missionary, every missionary should be a member. We've been doing so much member work in this ward so I thought that was a really good perspective on building relationships. The second was that we should strive to find and teach people who have the means to assist in building the kingdom. I thought it was a very inspiring meeting.
In addition to the Zone Conference, we had Stake Conference on Sunday. Elder Hamilton spoke during that, as well. I think I fell asleep while he was talking though, so I really don't remember anything he said. Oh, well...
After the meeting, we made Cedric go pass by some members with us. None of the members were home, so we convinced Cedric to feed us lunch at his apartment. He ended up taking us to his parents' place, and feeding us left-overs from their fridge. It was a very Cedric DA, but the food was really good, so I can't complain.
Sunday evening we went on an exchange with the zone leaders, so I got to head all the way out to the far west side of the island for a day. I was with Elder Jeronimo who was born in Mexico, but has spent most of his life near Seattle. He's one of the funniest people I've ever met, so we had a really good time running around the Anglophone Montreal suburbs. In the evening, we had a DA with a family from Guatemala. They spoke in Spanish most of the time with Elder Jeronimo, so I was pretty lost. I understood more than I thought I would though. We had some super good tamales. All in all, It was a very good day.
In other news, winter is here. It's currently -7C and snowing outside. There's been snow on the ground for almost a week now. No more clear roads for Quebec for the next 6 months (not that there were clear roads here in the first place). Luckily, Elder Blinn and I still do't have a car, so we can exploit the lack of snow in the metro system for the winter.
That's all for me. I have a few pictures I think.
Elder Hadden
Selfie with our friend Vincent Mocha |
-7C = 19.4 F.
Snow in Kirkland |