Tuesday, February 6, 2018

生日快乐 (Happy Birthday)

Dear All,

It's been a pretty normal week. It was my birthday on Sunday, but it was pretty much just a normal Sunday. Elder Lehnardt's birthday was yesterday, on the 5th, so we went over to President Aloi's house to celebrate a little. Elder Lehanrdt, Elder Hsiung, and I ended up making a bunch of chocolate chip cookies to give to ward members, while the older missionaries helped President Aloi do online paperwork for the branch. President Aloi bought us Benny's, a super Quebecois "BBQ" chicken restaurant (in Quebec, BBQ chicken means a piece of baked chicken covered in French fries, cole slaw, and brown gravy. It's really good; I was just really confused the first time I had it.), for lunch. He also bought us a cake, and just kept giving us food and cake until we had to insist we could not eat any more.

We met with the usual people this week, the most noteworthy of which is Oliver. Oliver has been coming to church for three hours every week for about 4 months now, but really hasn't progressed or shown any interest in progressing. He insists to me that he doesn't think the church is true, but can't give me a good reason why he comes to church. He's really smart, and just likes to discuss gospel topics with missionaries and ask weird questions to see how'll they'll respond. He's pretty interesting to talk to, but almost impossible to teach if you're not a native Chinese speaker. We met with him the other day to talk to him about commandments and the Word of Wisdom. He told me that he didn't think following commandments were that important, and that God shouldn't give us commandments, but he agreed to follow the Word of Wisdom anyway because he agreed that it would be beneficial to him. One day we'll get him to admit he thinks this is all true.

We met with Yang Yuan Lan again, but we've pretty much run out of things to teach her. She's had all the lessons twice, she keeps the commandments, she comes to church, she reads and prays daily, and has a really strong testimony, so there's not a whole lot more we can do to help her prepare for baptism. We ended up just talking about bible history with her, including the dispersing and gathering of Israel. It was more of just a conversation than a lesson. She bore her testimony in church on Sunday. It's really unusual for a investigator to bear their testimony before they get baptized.

In other news, Elder Tsai feels pretty much better. We can actually go out and contact again. 

That's pretty much it for me this week. 

Love you all,

Elder Hadden

Alice made horse kebabs in her class this week. She gave us some. Now I can say I've eaten horse meat. 

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