Dear all,
Well it's been a week. Nothing particularly interesting happened. No crazy anarchists, no cool super prepared people, no phenomenal lessons, just life.
I cleaned some of our kitchen this morning. I don't remember if I've mentioned the disgusting grease-soaked paper towel that I found stuck to one of the shelves in a cupboard, but I spent about an hour trying to scrub the grease that it left behind off the shelf. Really gross, lot's of scrubbing, and not a lot of success.
All the Liahonas we put out for recycling |
I also found a ridiculous amount of tupperware all jammed in the cupboard above the stove, and again all covered in grease. I'm just gonna give them away and let other people try to clean that though. After a morning of solid work, the kitchen is slightly cleaner, there's no more tupperware, and there's not as much grease caked onto our shelves.
We went on 2 exchanges this week, one with the Zone Leaders and one with Mandarin Central. For the Zone Leader exchange, I stayed in Mandarin West with Elder Purahui, from Tahiti (he doesn't speak Chinese). It was kinda weird to run a Chinese-speaking area with a companion who doesn't speak Chinese, but everything went surprisingly smoothly. We decided to go visit a recent convert who speaks absolutely no English, so Elder Purahui was really bored and confused for a while, but I had a really good conversation with her.
This is the extended transfer prediction I drew up with Elder Furness. We signed and dated it just to prove to everyone we were right. |
For our second exchange, I went back to Mandarin Central with Elder Furness. We had a lot of fun since we already knew how to run the area and work with each other. We talked pretty much the whole time about our predictions for transfer call on Saturday. We both think we'll be staying where we currently are, but that Elder Leung, Elder Furness' current companion, might be moving out of the branch for his last 2 transfers. I'll let you know what really happened next week.
Love you all,
Elder Hadden
Costco poutine: it really exists, and is pretty good! |
A really big spider I found in our apartment the other day. |

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