Tuesday, June 12, 2018

12 June 2018

Dear all,

Elder Bednar came to the mission this weekend, but he only went to Montreal and only talked about ministering, so none of the missionaries got to see him. I heard it was a really eventful training, and everyone from our ward who went is really excited to do ministering now.

This Sunday we had one of our investigators named Schrodinger come to church. He's from Haiti, but apparently his parents really love science so they named him Schrodinger. He's already Christian, but is super open and really willing to look for answers. Teaching people that already have a Christian background is so much different that teaching people without. Some of them have really good questions and are super willing to look for answers with real intent, and others just try to bash us relentlessly. It's a way different dynamic than Chinese work. We've taught Schrodinger a few times now, and luckily he is very open to us. We've taught him in French since his English isn't that good. Teaching in French is still super difficult. It's like going back to square one with language. I tried to have a conversation with Schrodinger on Sunday and was completely unable to talk to him at all. There's so much I still have to work on.

We're still teaching a bunch of Chinese people, but none of them have been very solid so far. We haven't had any Chinese investigators come to church yet. Maybe soon!

That's pretty much it for me. Elder Gauthier and I might go to the War Museum of Canada today and send pictures later. 

Love you all,

Elder Hadden

(An additional short note):  A former Chinese missionary came back to visit the mission this week. He was from Glasgow and took us out to lunch. He didn't pipe at all but was really surprised to hear that I did, and even more surprised to hear that there was a Scottish festival going on in Salt Lake City this weekend. I told him that one day when I go to Glasgow to see the Worlds Competition, I would come find him. He was a really funny guy, and the whole conversation made me miss the band.

Elder Bednar - Elder David A Bednar. Here's a link to a short bio.

the Worlds Championship - a competition of pipe bands from all over the world, held yearly in August in Glasgow, Scotland.  Here's a link.

the band - The Salt Lake Scots Pipe and Drum Band. Elder Hadden played bagpipes with them for several years before leaving for his mission. Here's a link to their facebook page:  Salt Lake Scots. If you look carefully, you will see Elder Hadden in the back row of the picture of the band in Moab on top of the page.

1 comment:

  1. from Caiti Christensen: I dug another story from Elder Hadden today. I asked him for the best part of the week and the worst part. Here is his answer:
    "We had some random guy talk to us yesterday, he was actually really interested in what we were saying and we taught a good lesson with him on the spot.
    Restoration and the Plan of Salvation all the way through.
    And then he said he would come to church.
    And some random other guy who was friends with the first guy came over and started to bash us with the bible even though he was a Muslim.
    And then! This other super old white guy wearing all white, white gloves and a white hat (I would describe his overall appearance as "spirit world Michael Jackson") came over and started to bash us too while the two other guys were sitting there.
    We just ran away.
    Highlight and low-light right there.
