Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Exchanges and FHE

Dear all,

It's been another normal week. More visits. More Filipino food. 

We went on exchanges with the APs this week. I was with Elder Smith again, but this time in their area. They have the same area as us, so it wasn't that exciting, but I did get to spend a night in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Montreal. Elder Smith and I decided, on a whim, to go knocking in another very wealthy, and even more Jewish neighborhood on the west side. Elder Smith said he had a good feeling about it, and I just like talking to Jewish people (but not necessarily proselyting to them) so I didn't have any problems with it. We knocked a few very, very fancy houses, and were greeted by a few very uninterested Jewish families. The most interested people we talked to were all the Filipino women that work as housekeepers. A few of them were interested. 
It was an interesting afternoon. I hope no one thought we were doing something antisemitic. 

Last night we had our long-awaited family home evening. We've been planning for months, and it finally happened and people actually showed up. It was pretty relaxed. I got to see the Korean family that we meet with again, and I gave her kids one of my Chinese name tags because they have the same last name as me. It was pretty nice. 

That's all for me. 

Love you all, 

Elder Hadden

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