Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Snow, More Snow, Cold, and Snow!

Hey all,
(Subject line this week written by Caiti Erin Christensen)

Contrary to the subject line, it actually got a lot warmer this week. Right now it's only -1 C and it's supposed to get all the way up to +9 C this week. I'll let you do the math on those numbers. I'm too lazy now.

This week wasn't nearly as exciting as last week. We spent most of our time visiting less-active members and working with Yang Yuan Lan on getting to a baptismal date. Yang Yuan Lan is still progressing. She's committed to read the entire Book of Mormon in 100 days with the rest of the Branch, and she's been doing pretty well so far. We went over to her apartment the other day to help her clean and eat dinner. She had one of her numerous Chinese friends over with us, so we could have a chaperone. He had never heard of the church, and wasn't really interested in what we had to share, but at least we got to meet someone new and leave a good impression. After dinner, we taught her about church callings, specifically home and visiting teachers. Hopefully, some time within the next 100 days she'll get the answer she's looking for, and finally feel ready to be baptized.

The less active of the week was Catalina. She's a tiny, sort of ditsy girl in her early 20s from China. She was baptized earlier this year, but still doesn't really have a great understanding of the gospel. We extended the branch's Book of Mormon reading challenge to her, and have been helping her to keep up as much as possible. Hopefully it'll give her the nourishment she needs to progress. Every time we meet with her she tells something new and crazy about herself. Last night, she took us out to dinner and told us all about how she used to be super into skateboarding, but just decided to stop one day.

On Sunday night, we had a DA with a long-time member named Sophia. We brought Alice, Zhang Guang Hui (the assistant branch mission leader), and his five-year-old daughter Celine.  Sophia is a really good cook and made a ton of food for the six of us. She made the best dumplings I've ever eaten. It was a great ending to a long fast Sunday. 

Alice just gave me permission to tell you a funny story about her (we're emailing in her building today). 

The other day we were riding the metro with her back to our apartments. We live at the same metro station, and she gets off school at the same time we have to finish contacting, so we ride the metro home with her a lot. She was showing me pictures from her high school in China and telling me, in English, all about her high school "porn." She showed me all these pictures of her and her friends in big fancy dresses and then asked me if I had "porns" back in high school. I had to tell her that she meant to say prom, not porn. Luckily, the MTC taught me the word for porn in Chinese so I was able to explain what she was really saying. She was pretty embarrassed.

That's about it from me. I'll let you all know how the warm weather goes this week.

Love you all,

Elder Hadden

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