It was a crazy week, as transfer weeks usually are. I took Elder Surette to the bus station on Thursday morning and said goodbye, and then waited for Elder Vargas to show up on the next bus. While waiting, I got to meet some of the missionaries from the Halifax mission who were getting transferred to Ottawa. One poor Elder got transferred from Halifax all the way to Pettawawa, two hours west of Ottawa. It's about as big of a transfer as you could possible make.
Elder Vargas is from Southern Texas, and his parents are from Mexico. He said that he spent a lot of time south of the border since that's where his family all lives. He's currently teaching me Spanish. So far, I can pray, and that's about it.
The rest of the week has been a little all over the place. I'm not particularly good at leading areas, and we're still getting settled in. We've had a lot of scheduled lessons, but a lot of them have fallen through leaving us with a lot of awkward finding time.
The other day, we played a game of pick-up basketball with a couple québécois guys. It's not a finding idea that I have ever tried before, but it was pretty enjoyable and they did give us their phone number. We invited them to come and play with us at church sometime.
Élie, the guy we found last week, came to church on Sunday. It's really good to see that he followed through on what he said he would do. It seemed like he enjoyed himself, and it turns out he already knows one of the members of the bishopric, which is also very good. We should be seeing him again tonight.
The members seem to really like elder Vargas. We had a DA last night with the Couture family that went very, very well. The last time I ate with them, the conversation was a little dry, but this time it was very lively.
That's all for me this week.
Love you all,
Elder Hadden
Here are some pictures of the lake last week. The whole is an old caved in mica mine.
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