Dear all,

Boxing Day again. Luckily, I did not lose my wallet this year, and will actually be able to buy cheap stuff.
Yesterday was Christmas. We ate a lot of food. We spent the morning with the Filipinos to call home, and then they fed us lunch. After that, through a slight planing error, we ate lunch again with a Nigerian member, then we had an actually Christmas dinner with the Evans, a senior couple in our ward. It was a wonderful day overall.
Also, the day before, Brother Da Rocha, a professional chef in the ward, threw a big Christmas party for anyone that didn't have anywhere else to go. We invited Sister Jung (the Korean lady) and her two kids, and RJ (a young man we work with). We ate a ton of food, and then Sister Jung gave us kimchi pancakes to take home. So much food.
Anyway, that's it for me. Elder Burton and I are going to do something interesting today, and buy some stuff. It's gonna be good.
Love you all,
Elder Hadden
Elder Burton and I took a walk to Mt. Royal the other day while doing companionship study. Here are some pictures. I especially like the one of the Olympic stadium
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