Dear All,
First things first. Our apartment almost burned down this week. The fire alarm went off one night, and everyone slowly wandered out to the street in the cold. We met up with the Mandarin Central Elders (Elder Lehnardt and Elder Hsu) who live in our same building, and after a while of watching fire trucks pull up, got too cold to stand there anymore. We decided to walk around the block to the nearest Tim Horton's to shelter inside until they cleared the building. We stayed there for a few minutes, had a bunch of cheap donuts, and then headed back to our totally unharmed building to finish the night. It was very exciting.
We, along with our good friend Vincent Mutche, helped a member's brother (?) move on Thursday. The member had texted Vincent that morning to ask if anyone could help out, but since it was such short notice and on a weekday, Vincent could only find us who were available. This member isn't super active, and is a little....interesting. We showed up, chatted a little bit with him, moved all of his brother's stuff into a rented car, and then drove it across town to his new apartment. Since we drove, Vincent, Elder Blinn, and I showed up well before the member and his brother did. We got one of his brother's new roommates to let us into his apartment so we could move the stuff without them. Upon entering the apartment, our noses were confronted with the weird and unpleasant aroma of A LOT of weed, dirt, and onions(?). We looked in one of the rooms and saw the walls covered in crazy drawings and writing. It looked like a set piece from a psycho horror movie. Some real ''all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'' kind of stuff. Needless to say, we moved all the stuff, and high-tailed it out of there before anyone else could show up. Vincent took us out to get ramen afterwards (pictures included).
This ward is probably the most interesting one I have ever served in. You get all the best of Montreal.
That's pretty much it for me. I would talk about the people we are teaching, but we don't work with people very consistently.
Vincent Mewtia and the ramen. |
Fire truck selfie. |
The donuts. |
A big ol' spider we found. |
Love you all,
Elder Hadden
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